Every year, I spend the very last Sunday in April taking a brisk five mile walk with a few hundred of my closest friends to help support an amazing cause. This incredible event is organized by the March of Dimes Foundation whose goal is to tackle the issues that threaten the health of every mom and every baby.
This year, Teagan and I bundled up and braved the early morning chill to walk in our third March for Babies walk. While I first began walking in April 2015 as a way to cope after suffering my own loss, I now walk to remember and to honor my angel and to help others facing similar difficult situations. I remember during the opening ceremonies at my very first event being taken aback by the families’ personal stories about how the March of Dimes Foundation stood by them and provided support during such a trying time in their lives.
Each year, the March of Dimes raises the bar not only on their fundraising goal but also on the activities at the event. From a Budweiser Horse & Buggy ride to a DJ, a memory garden, the superhero sprint (for our superhero kids) and even a personal visit from Batman himself (in his Batmobile, of course!), this family friendly event is not only a fun day out but a great way to help support the health of all mothers and babies.
My favorite and most emotional part (yes, I still cry every time) is the reading of the babies’ names, those who we are celebrating and those who we are remembering. After the reciting of the names, a bevy of doves are released and slowly circle the crowd before disappearing into the distance. In that moment, when the doves are just a speck in the sky, I always feel thankful to be part of such a powerful cause.
I left my very first March for Babies walk not only with a sense of closure but also feeling as if I was not alone which was so important for me at the time. Each year, I feel as if I’ve grown stronger and become more at peace with my own loss and I can only hope that others leave feeling the same.
If you’d like to consider donating to the March of Dimes Foundation or participating in one of their March for Babies walks, please visit their website.