On Saturday night I received a text from my brother, “Are you guys coming tomorrow?” I mulled it over in my head, slept on it and then did some more mulling the next morning during my gym workout. I was tired from a long week, but the weather was perfect, and the kids were begging to see their cousins, so I halfheartedly agreed.
We took the kids to the playground where they cheerfully bounced around from the swings to the giant slide across the monkey bars and back over to the swings where they competed to see who could swing the highest. A sudden fear of heights abruptly ended that competition and the kids raced to the soccer fields to show off their skills to their uncle DJ. The girls dribbled a bit and took a few shots but soon decided that it was time to focus on their beauty routine and needed to freshen up their “makeup.” Jack made a beeline back to the playground where he scaled a rock wall and dared to jump from the top. After giving me a near heart attack, we decided that a change in scenery and treating the kids to ice cream would quiet things down. (Yes, we thought that giving sugar to the kid who thought that he had super powers and could fly off a rock wall was a great idea).
The ice cream parlor was a quaint little shop adorned with 1960’s pop art that was run by an elderly hippie. At the front of the shop stood a glass case that enclosed an assortment of unique and delicious looking waffle cones. Teagan’s face light up with excitement as she pressed her hands into the glass. “Grandma, this cone has Lucky Charms on it! It’s my favorite because it’s a unicorn cone.” We chatted up the owner to find out how he made each of his special waffle cones so that we could re-create them at home.
We didn’t have to wait long because thanks to Mother Nature and the Indian summer that we’ve been having we had the perfect ice cream weather the very next day. If you have a little one at home that loves unicorns, Lucky Charms or just ice cream (I proudly admit that I love all three!) here is the recipe to Teagan’s Unicorn Cones.
Teagan’s Unicorn Cones
Ingredients: Lucky Charms cereal, Marshmallows (Large), Waffle Cones
- Place a handful of large marshmallows into a glass bowl and microwave at 10 second intervals until marshmallows are melted and hot.
- Dip the waffle cones into the bowl of melted marshmallows.
- Dip the waffle cone into a bowl of Lucky Charms cereal.
- Place aside to cool.
- Scoop a few scoops of your favorite ice cream into the cone and enjoy!

Sometimes we just need a little nudge to push us in the right direction. Spending time with my family this weekend gave me some much-needed perspective and helped me re-focus my energy back onto projects that I’ve been and super excited about. The kids had a blast racing around together and to top it off we scored this yummy new recipe.